MONDAY | OCTOBER 20 | 6.30 p.m.


Direction: Julien Donada

Photography: Julien Donada

Editing: Agnès Bruckert

Production: Petit à Petit Production

France, 2013, 71’, French, Italian subtitles

In Europe, from mid-50's to the end of 70's, a young generation of architects dreams of other possibilities to live within cities, other ways to rethink space inside houses. Spatial or nomad cities, bubble houses, flying houses or plastic homes. This movie dives us into the fantastic universe of a utopian architecture. With the support of the FRAC-Centre (Regional Foundation for Contemporary Art. It is composed with an exclusive compilation of interviews: In France: Claude Parent, Yona Friedman, Pascal Haüsermann, Guy Rottier, Antti Lovag; In England: Archigram (Peter Cook and David Greene); In Italy: Archizoom, Superstudio, Gianni Pettena; In Austria: Hans Hollein, Coop Himmelb(l)au and the collaboration of the art critic, Michel Ragon.
There are also the architect's personal archives: These architects used to make video films to illustrate or accompany their projects. Their movies were a bit more to them: they also considered it as part of a great artistic conception and a way to build complete masterpieces. They realized experimental movies and happenings within this global conception of creation. This video archives will help us to consider their time and the urban context of the moment through an entertaining and political approach, characteristic of the 60's and 70's.