FRIDAY 21 OTTOBRE | 7.00 p.m.



Direction: David Pujol

Photography: Ivan Carrero

Editing: Jordi Muñoz

Production: Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation

Spain, 2015, 55’, English subtitles

This documentary wants to talk about Dalí, his art, his philosophy and his persona, as well as his last and ultimate creation, the Dalí Theatre-Museum, into which he poured his universe and in which he projected his imagination, his dreams and his visions, and condensed a life devoted to art. The film seeks to unveil some of the enigmas of the museum through the eyes and the words of Dalí himself. As spectators, we are accepting artist’s provocation of letting ourselves be swallowed up in his final great work.

Photo credits: ©Melitó Casals “Meli”/Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 2016.